It’s getting closer to the holiday season everyone so don’t be a Grinch, and lets talk about who’s up next on the bed shall we? Well she’s adorable and could be little miss Cindy Lou Who from Whoville’s sister in the classic Christmas cartoon ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas,’ because this week’s exploit Sylvie, or Sylvie Lou Who (SLO) I’ll call her, who’s delightfully precious by the way, is just itching to be roughly used and tossed around like a little fuck doll she explains. Them words can be dangerous in the sex world little miss SLO so be careful who you say them to, but Damn! I just love innocent looking newbie’s like Sylvie that haven’t been jaded or haven’t yet experimented too much with their clothes off because our little SLO said she hasn’t done much other than fuck her boyfriends, whom to date have only totaled 5. Yep! You can count the lucky stiffs on one hand that have had the pleasure of feeling Sylvie from the inside and this girl wants to increase her body count. You can also count on one hand all the firsts she did today so lets do our run down because I think her current lucky stiff’s going to be jealous his darling little precious SLO’s sucking someone else’s stiffy…
Exploited College Girls – Sylvie (Shy & Soft Spoken, Flexible High School Cheer Team Sweetheart)
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